Breath of Freedom

Breath of Freedom
Forever Free

Thursday, December 19, 2013


   Benjamin Franklin was right on the money much of the time---and timely. I guess that's why he's quoted a lot. And he didn't pull any punches either.
   "Words may show a man's wit, but actions his meaning."

   Actions speak louder than words. Almost Reagaesque.
   I'm alluding of course to the present situation we face regarding Iran, and to a greater extent this administration and its institutions: all seem to have lost the ability to recognize bull crap when they hear it.
Even back in the good old days of John Foster Dulles, the U.S. State Department was known as 'Foggy Bottom'. Since that time we have experienced one debacle after another. The problem is we have lost our street smarts. We could probably replace all our decision makers and advisers with street smart kids and get better results when it comes to foreign policy. Sound too strong? Why then does Corporate America---and perhaps the government as well---hire former 'hackers' to help combat the deluge of viruses and malware that are making a joke of internet security? Can you imagine the opinion given by a hooligan about Secretary Kerry's so-called deal with Iran? Back in the good old 19th century city fathers in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia hired former, if not totally trusted, criminals and bar brawlers as police officers: their answer to fighting fire with fire. Heck, we even hire mercenaries to help fight our wars. But of course I am not advocating any such thing as a means to an end. The question however begs for an answer: How do we encourage common sense in our federal officers in carrying out their duties in a sane, rational way and not diplomatic gibberish? We need to say what we mean, and mean what we say.
   If a neighbor comes to your door with a soda bottle filled with gasoline and toilet paper for a wick, you kind of get the message real quick that your neighbor is a) crazy, or b) has an issue with you.
   Nations are a lot like people. They all have their own personalities, wants, and desires. But America today is seen now as that perennially bad football team that gets beat at its own game every Sunday afternoon no matter how much money and franchise players you pump into the team. Reputations are earned. Once lost, take it from old Ben---you'll eventually have to pay the butcher's bill.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This Is Our Country

Time and time again we hear or read about the reckless Affordable Care Act being chastised by the courts for infringing on the constitutional rights of American citizens. It is not only the A.C.A, but our schools as well: public education has become an obstacle rather than an incentive for our children to learn. President Obama created his council of Czars to rule in his place since the beginning; people whom we have not elected---whether it be regulations or just plan edicts that pretend to know what is good for and what is not good for us. But in spite of it all the country will not die no matter what they do. Three years are left on this administration's tenure. The courts, I believe, will see about that. We the people must make our voices heard loud and clear. "THIS IS OUR COUNTRY!"